Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Training

Posted: 10th June 2015

Last weekend 35 Year 9 pupils took part in a practice expedition as part of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. Fantastic weather was booked especially for the event and as the sun shone down, the Mount Kelly pupils followed their route along the beautiful Tamar valley.

They started at two different points near Gulworthy and headed down the valley to Morwelham Quay. From here they followed the valley round to their campsite at Ezenridge Farm high on a hill overlooking Calstock – many thanks to Mr and Mrs Miles for once again hosting our pupils. Early on Sunday they set off in even warmer temperatures, following the river towards the end point at Bere Ferrers.

As a first test of their expedition skills the teams were quite outstanding. They listened so well to their instructors on Day One that by Day Two they required no help with their navigation at all. Most impressive too was the great spirit of teamwork that was evident throughout the weekend as they supported each other and worked hard to achieve their common goal.

On the 18th of June they will embark on the qualifying expedition to the North Cornwall coast. 

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