Cross Country Competition

Posted: 21st March 2017

On Friday 17th March, Mount Kelly runners had a successful day in cross country at Blundell's School, despite numerous last-minute changes to the teams due to illness. Mount Kelly were competing against strong runners from ten other schools in the South West. With 80 runners in each race our pupils did very well indeed, with 11 of our runners finishing in the top 15, and seven of these finishing on the podium. 
Our top performers are listed below:
U9 boys:
Harry Brimacombe 10th
Finn Adams 11th ( as a year 3)
U9 girls:
India Semmence 15th (as a year 3)
U11 girls:
Matilda Riggott 2nd (as a year 5)
Georgia Burton 3rd
U11 boys:
Jed Hutchings 1st (as a year 5)
U13 girls:
Amelia Riggott 1st (as a year 7)
Charlotte Tilney 2nd
Bella Hodges 3rd 
U13 boys:
Euan Botham 2nd
James lamb 5th (as a year 7)




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