Summer Festival of the Arts

Posted: 11th July 2017

The Mount Kelly Summer Festival of the Arts during the last week of term saw pupils from across the Foundation enjoying a variety of activities and workshops that ranged from dance, wet felting, documentary filimng, photography, archaeology, circus skills and more. The academic workshops included creative writing with author and parent, Amanda Barnsley-White and a crime fiction session with author Margaret Duffy.

Music featured was a central part of the week with several unplugged and ‘pop up’ music performances by pupils and staff, an inspiring evening of Samba with six-piece jazz band Orpheus, the Mount Kelly Choral Society performed a moving rendition of Carmen Burana and the Prep Summer Concert on Wednesday night was highly acclaimed and showcased the best musicians and choirs at the Prep.

Drama was also a major part of the Festival, with showcases by pupils and the Festival ended with a performance in the marquee by Extravaganza! – a fun and outrageous comedy by visiting theatre company La Navet Bete.

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