CCF Summer Camp

Posted: 8th September 2017


Our CCF enjoyed a successful Summer Camp this year, training for a week at Okehampton Camp. Our cadets fired on the ranges, completed an arduous military skills day, windsurfed and built rafts at Roadford Lake, and competed in an inter-contingent competition. Thanks to our ongoing relationship with 29 Commando (Royal Artillery), based at the Citadel in Plymouth, our cadets had an excellent day with them.

Congratulations to Charlie Southcott for winning the medal for best Junior Marksman.

Jonathan Leung won particular praise for his leadership and professionalism, leading one of the best section attacks over the whole 3 week period that the camp was operating.  We are delighted that Jonathan will be returning to Mount Kelly for one term before going to University, to support our CCF, games programme, and our international pupils.

?One of the many advantages of being in the CCF is the opportunity to attend exciting and challenging adventurous training courses, and over the course of the summer three cadets from the Naval Section gained Royal Yachting Association certificates. Tom Douie is now a qualified RYA Day Skipper, and George Key? and Victoria Moore were awarded their Powerboat Handling certificates.

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