Cox Tor Walk 2017

Posted: 11th September 2017

The annual 'Cox Tor Walk' was held on Sunday 10 September. Families departed from the School on the 4 mile journey to the peak of Cox Tor. This walk is a long held tradition (over 7 decades!) and is held at the beginning of each School year. Pupils carry a stone or rock from the River Tavy on their journey and place it on the cairn at the top of Cox Tor. 

Walkers enjoyed a luxury ice cream and a pasty to keep them fuelled on their journey. Although the weather was sunny at the beginning of the morning, unfortunately this year we weren't able the reach the summit due to rapidly descending fog on the moor. There was, however, a real sense of camaraderie as pupils, families and their dogs battled together against the inclement weather on Dartmoor!  

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