Anti-Bullying Week

Posted: 17th November 2017

Anti-Bullying Week was supported across the Foundation this week, promoting the campaign's message 'All Different All Equal'.  

As part of our commitment to anti-bullying, the Year 9 pupils at the College will commence an anti-bullying course known as ENABLE (European Network Against Bullying in Learning and Leisure Environments).  ENABLE is is an EU-funded project, supported by South West Grid for Learning, which combats bullying and contributes to the well-being of young people aged 11-14 through social and emotional development and peer education.  ENABLE takes a holistic and sustainable approach to reducing bullying via a series of lessons that focus on SEL (Social and Emotional Learning). Pupils are helped to develop their social and emotional skills and encouraged to reflect on their own and their peers’ behaviour. ENABLE also educates staff, students and parents/carers about what bullying is, how to deal with it and effective measures that can be put in place to prevent it happening and minimise the impacts on the individual.

To support Anti-Bullying Week, some useful advice on cyber-bullying for parents can also be found at

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