Oxbridge Interviews

Posted: 4th December 2017

Three of our Year 13 pupils have been selected for Oxbridge interviews this year. Josie Francis has an interview for Geography at Mansfield College, Oxford; Edward Jenks for Natural Sciences at Peterhouse College, Cambridge; and Benjamin Dunlop for Economics at Pembroke College, Cambridge.  

In preparation for their upcoming interviews, our Oxbridge applicants have taken part in a series of workshops and events. Exeter College, Oxford ran a workshop in early September focusing on the preparation of their applications and personal statements.

In November, all Oxbridge and medical applicants took part in mock interviews involving staff from Bideford College and West Buckland School, which provided a great opportunity to experience an interviewer they did not know in an unfamiliar environment.

During the last week, pupils have benefitted from an additional mock interview, with medics being put through their paces by Matthew Bowles, and Steve Martin (Ex Head of Geography) grilling our geography and economics candidates.

Year 12 and 13 pupils who have applied to study medicine, or are considering applying for medicine or a medically related course, have established the Mount Kelly Medical Society, with the inaugural meeting held on the 24 November. The society aims to delve into the ethics of medicine, discuss the application process and invite guest speakers to broaden their knowledge of the field. If anyone can offer any insight into their own experiences to the group please contact Mrs Callard at callardb@mountkelly.com.

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