Year 8 STEM Faraday Challenge

Posted: 18th January 2018

The Product Design department at the College has, for many years, participated in a number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) competitions and award schemes.

On Tuesday 16 January 2018, Mount Kelly hosted the Institution of Engineering and Technology ‘Faraday Challenge Day’, a national event aimed at Year 8 pupils across the country. The purpose of the Faraday Challenge, like many other STEM challenges, is to encourage pupils of all years to consider a career in a STEM related subject. The pupils enjoyed an excellent hands on, practical problem-solving day, organised by Dr. Keira Sewell, the IET Faraday Challenge coordinator.  

36 Year 8 pupils worked in teams of six to produce ideas for a new theme park attraction or ride at Thorpe Park in Surrey. The teams developed a number of ideas, and put together working prototypes of parts of their designs, using simple modelling materials, with series and parallel electrical circuits. Each team member took on a particular role in the design team, whether chief engineer, design engineer, electrical engineer, finance manager or assembly manager. With just 100 ‘Faradays’ as currency, it was crucial to keep an eye on both the design and budget, to make sure that all the parts of the design could be purchased from the Faraday challenge shop.

After completing their designs, the pupils presented their attraction prototypes to their peers and Dr. Sewell, who asked the teams some probing questions, in true 'Dragons Den' style. 

Congratulations to team 6 for their outstanding teamwork, creativity, solutions and final presentation. 

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