CCF Biennial Inspection

Posted: 27th April 2018

Thursday 26 April marked an important day for the Mount Kelly CCF as our cadets in Years 10-13 presented themselves for their Biennial Inspection, carried out by Cdr Gavin MacDougall from the Royal Navy. 

The day began with the senior cadets providing an overview of the Mount Kelly CCF and its structure, and a formal lunch with the visiting officers and staff.  The afternoon included a formal inspection of CCF cadets, an address by Cdr MacDougall, and a formal parade.  This was followed by a tour of the school grounds where a selection of CCF activities were observed, and the day concluded with a final word from the inspecting officer.  

Mount Kelly would like to thank Cdr MacDougall for his time, input and positive words of encouragement to the staff and cadets in the CCF.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.



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