Pre-Prep Art Week

Posted: 11th May 2018

It has been a busy week in the Pre-Prep with pupils enjoying a wide range of activities for Art Week. Nursery pupils cut up colourful paper to recreate Henri Matisse's 'The Snail'. The children used natural resources as well as their imagination to create clay faces down in the woods, made origami cats and rounded off the week by taking photographs in the Meadows play park.

Reception class has had lots of fun using clay to make a dish, making salt dough Barbara Hepworth sculptures, Jackson Pollock paintings, Kandinsky Circle pictures as well as making sock puppets and meeting artist Richard Albon. We also used pastels to draw bluebells and made funny hair pictures using playdough!  

Pupils in Year 1 have based their artwork on their IPC topic Green Fingers. The children have made flower sun catchers, ceramic plant pots, flower mosaic pictures and pictures based on Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh. They enjoyed a visit from Sarah who showed the children her puppet creatures and the children made their own using socks and gloves. The children also worked with pupils in Year 6 to make bluebells out of paper.

Year 2 pupils enjoyed a visit to Broomhill Sculpture Garden and produced their own sculptures with mixed media on returning to school. They also created magical creatures from socks and gloves and learnt how to draw cartoons step by step.

More photos can be found on Facebook. 

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