Go4SET Visit Dockyard & Incinerator

Posted: 7th June 2018

As part of our Year 9 pupils’ introduction to the world of Engineering and STEM careers, 12 pupils visited the Royal Navy Devonport Dockyard where they climbed aboard HMS Courageous, a decommissioned Cold War nuclear submarine. The teams had a wonderful experience, clambering through the hatches and narrow corridors, up and down steep ladders, through the cramped crew quarters, kitchens and the torpedo room.

The Go4SET teams went on to visit the two-year-old MVV Environment incinerator in Plymouth, expanding their Engineering awareness further into the interesting but smelly world of ‘energy from waste’. The MVV incinerator – a new wave of environmental incinerators – turns waste into energy, saving on landfill and producing electricity for the neighbouring Devonport Dockyard.

The visit demonstrated the sheer volume of recyclable waste which consumers still put in black bags, and further raised our pupils’ awareness of the importance of preserving environmental resources, encouraging them to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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