Year 5 Coastal Studies Day

Posted: 21st June 2018

On Monday 18 June, Year 5 pupils travelled to Wembury Beach to take part in a day of coastal studies. They were fortunate to have Alex from the South West Coast Path Agency to lead them on a learning journey through the story of the SW Coast Path, recounting stories of ship wrecks, smugglers and rescuers. The children walked blindfolded along the path to try and understand how it must have felt walking the paths with no light to guide them, with some true Devon mizzle to enhance the feeling! Pupils also learnt about the importance of maps and used six figure grid references to find certain waypoints before walking to them.

Lunch was enjoyed on the beach with plenty of activity running around the rock pools and scrambling amongst the foreshore.  During the afternoon, the team from Wembury Marine Centre led a guided rock pool exploration. The children found seven different species of crabs, shrimps, anemones, fish and starfish, and were amazed by the array of species in such a small area.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

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