Official Opening of Old Mount Kelleian Bridge

Posted: 22nd June 2018

The Old Mount Kelleian Bridge, linking the College with the Prep, was officially opened this afternoon by the Chair of Governors, Rear Admiral Chris Snow, with a ribbon cutting ceremony which was attended by the Mayor of Tavistock, the Mayor of West Devon, Governors of the School and other esteemed guests.

Head Girl at the Prep, Niamh, had the honour of cutting the ribbon as the youngest pupil present.

Guests attended a lunch at the Prep and were welcomed by Rear Admiral Chris Snow, who gave a speech in which he commemorated the bridge as the final stage of the merger linking the Prep to the College, allowing the School's community to use the site to its full potential whilst enjoying a moment of tranquility in the beautiful natural surroundings over the River Tavy. Rear Admiral Snow also thanked Old Mount Kelleians for their generous donations towards the building of the bridge. 

Head Master, Mark Semmence, commented “Mount Kelly is continuing to grow, and the new bridge makes us stronger than ever.  Building a community has been at the heart of everything we have done since the foundation of the School in 2014, and now that we are able to walk from one side of the campus to the other, we are even more united in our common purpose – creating an inspirational environment in which young people can learn and grow.  I can think of very few schools that offer their pupils such an inspirational setting.”

The bridge is a key element of Mount Kelly’s Five Year Strategic Plan, and the unprecedented growth that the school has enjoyed in recent years will enable it to continue to invest, enhancing every aspect of its pupils’ educational experience.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

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