CCF Summer Camp

Posted: 5th July 2018

On Saturday 30 June, twelve CCF cadets from the Royal Navy section embarked on a four day dinghy sailing camp. Based at HMS Raleigh, the cadets spent the time afloat working towards national RYA Qualifications. With some ideal weather the group completed a mixture of RYA Level 2, Seamanship and Day Sailing qualifications.

On the final day, the group planned and completed a 7 nautical mile expedition up the River Tamar to Weir Quay. Here they quickly found some ice creams and were rewarded with some chocolate cake (courtesy of Mrs Watt). They completed the return journey under perfect sailing conditions.

All cadets made excellent progress and the instructors all commented on the exemplary way in which cadets conducted themselves both afloat and ashore.  A total of 22 RYA certificates were awarded and everyone should be very proud of all that was achieved.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

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