Pupils Triumph in Tough New GCSEs

Posted: 23rd August 2018

Following the success of Mount Kelly pupils at A Level, the School’s GCSE candidates have risen to the challenge of the reformed examinations, and secured outstanding results across the board.

10% of all grades awarded were a 9, equivalent to the very highest A* under the previous system, and double the national figure.  While 25% of all grades awarded were 9-8, 43% were 9-7; again, twice that achieved nationally.

Particular congratulations go to the 20% of pupils who scored 9s and 8s in six or more subjects; a clear reflection both of their own hard work and of the school’s ability to enable the most academically ambitious pupils to realise their full potential.

Head Master, Mark Semmence, commented, “It is evident that our pupils have thrived in a more academically demanding climate, and these results are a clear testament to their hard work and commitment.  Having been prepared exceptionally well for their GCSEs, they will certainly go on to further success in the Sixth Form, not only in the classroom but across the range of opportunities that a Mount Kelly education has to offer.”

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