Cox Tor Walk 2018

Posted: 10th September 2018

Mount Kelly held the annual ‘Cox Tor Walk’ on Sunday 9 September amid glorious Devon sunshine. 400 walkers departed from the School on the four mile journey to the peak of Cox Tor. This walk is a long-held tradition (over seven decades!) which takes place at the beginning of each School year. Pupils carry a stone or rock on their journey and place it on the cairn at the top of Cox Tor. Walkers enjoyed a luxury ice cream from Gerry’s Originals to keep them fuelled on their journey and were rewarded with a pasty on their return to School.

It was a delightful event, with walkers able to cross the Old Mount Kellein Bridge linking the College to the Prep for the first time in the walk’s history.  Many members of the School community took part in this warm start to the term for new and current pupils, their families and members of staff.





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