CCF (RN) Visits HMNB Devonport

Posted: 4th October 2018

On Wednesday 3 October, the Royal Navy Section of the CCF, accompanied by some select members of the Army contingent ventured forth for an afternoon visiting Her Majesty’s Naval Base Devonport.

The main purpose of the visit was to allow the Cadets to see a fully operational Military establishment, take a tour of the dockyard and Plymouth Sound on one of the Flag Officer Sea Training Boats, practising seamanship skills and boat driving. The Cadets also  undertook the mandatory Royal Navy swimming test in preparation for the upcoming visit to HMS Westminster later in the year.

Fortunately the weather was benign and, with only a gentle swell running, everyone was able to take a turn at the helm as they navigated down the Tamar, past Drake’s Island, across Cawsand Bay and past the break water onto the open seas. Unfortunately the pod of porpoises which often frequent Plymouth Sound where not in attendance, however the Cadets had an enjoyable time seeing the dockyard and Plymouth from a seaward perspective.

The swimming test was also successful, and the Royal Navy contingent is now ready for their next adventure on the high seas on-board HMS Westminster next term.



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