CCF Field Weekend

Posted: 12th March 2019

Over the Exeat weekend, the CCF deployed to Dartmoor Training Area to conduct a fieldcraft and tactics exercise.  Friday afternoon began with the Senior Cadets giving instruction to the Year 10s on how to construct a basic shelter and administer themselves in the field.  Many were apprehensive, but were soon cosy and warm in their sleeping bags.  Saturday morning saw Military Staff teaching the Cadets how to react to enemy fire and how to lead attacks against a small opposing force.  Saturday night was spent back in the warmth of Willsworthy Camp to dry out and recoup prior to an early start on Sunday for a final attack.  All were back at Mount Kelly for a late lunch and prize giving. Congratulations to Cadet Wood and Cadet Lance Corporal Cooper for earning Best Endeavour and Best Cadet for the weekend.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.















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