CCF Visits Royal Citadel

Posted: 15th March 2019

On Wednesday 13 March, Year 9 Cadets visited The Royal Citadel in Plymouth, home of our affiliated unit 29 Commando.  A dramatic 17th century fortress built to defend the coastline from the Dutch, and keep watch on a recently rebellious Plymouth, the Royal Citadel is still in use as an active military base. Guided by our own Major Hawkes who served there and OMK Lieutenant Hall (2001-2008), the visit included a tour of their main field gun, the Officers' mess, the Regimental Chapel and a tour around the historic defences. 

The afternoon was an excellent opportunity to see some of the work of our affiliated unit as an artillery regiment as well as the historic parts of the base including panoramic views over Plymouth Sound.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

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