Pre-Prep Science Week

Posted: 15th March 2019

Pupils in the Pre-Prep have participated in National Science Week with a series of science activities and experiments. In Nursery, pupils have been exploring what happens when carnations absorb coloured water and what beans need to grow. They also enjoyed a visit to the Prep Science Block where Mr Thavenot taught pupils about safety in the science room and demonstrated some of his favourite experiments.

Reception pupils started the week by finding out about magnets and forces. They looked at colour mixing, electrical circuits and whether penguins are waterproof.  For Red Nose day on Friday pupils made cupcakes to observe the changes in the ingredients as they mixed and then cooked them.

On Wednesday, all pupils in the Pre-Prep enjoyed a visit from 'For Goodness Snakes' reptile farm. They learnt a lot about a variety of reptiles and were even able to hold some of them. 

Pupils in Years 1 and 2 finished a week of experiments with an exciting volcanic eruption in the classroom! More photographs can be found on Facebook.


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