Our Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh volunteers have been very busy at Buckland Abbey. Having completed their giant bug hotel, the volunteers were able to devote their energies to the design and creation of wildflower beds in the garden area beyond the cart pond. They chose a flower design, with four petal shaped beds around a central circular table and bench and filled the beds with Yellow Rattle, Wild Thyme, Bird’s Foot Trefoil and Campion. Creating equal sized beds, cutting turf and digging the ground over in addition to weekly weeding have all required teamwork and hard graft, and the volunteers have applied themselves enthusiastically to the completion of these tasks.
Their flowers are just starting to bloom, so if you have the opportunity to visit Buckland Abbey over the summer please do have a look at their wildflower area. The volunteers have also completed a range of ground maintenance work, including the creation of a plant quarantine area, cutting back overhanging boughs on estate trails and a great deal of weeding of paths and beds.
Mount Kelly looks forward to returning to Buckland Abbey next year with a new team of volunteers to work on further projects around the estate.
More photographs can be found on Facebook.
Categories: Expeditions