A Level Results 2019

Posted: 15th August 2019

Mount Kelly delighted by another year of excellent A Level results
Mount Kelly is delighted to announce another year of outstanding results with a number of our pupils achieving straight A* and A grades. We are particularly pleased to see the continued strength in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) with over 55% of all papers in these subjects graded at A* or A.

More importantly for our pupils, 76% of them secured places at their first choice university including UCL (Statistics, Economics and Finance), York (History and French), Nottingham (Medical Physiology and Therapeutics), Warwick (Economics) and Southampton (Music). Five pupils have gained significant scholarships to US universities and one to the University of Amsterdam.
Head Master, Guy Ayling, commented, “I am delighted with these results and what they represent. They are a true testament to the hard work of our teachers and the pupils themselves, many of whom have also achieved international success in swimming, Grade 8 in a music or drama exam, the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, hiked at least one of the Ten Tors challenges or paddled the 125 mile Devizes to Westminster Canoe Marathon. They all have so much to offer the world beyond Mount Kelly and I wish them every success for the future.”

Examination Results


Categories: Academic News
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