Year 9 LOtC

Posted: 27th September 2019

Year 9 pupils have spent this week on the Lizard Peninsula, covering a wide academic programme during their annual Learning Outside the Classroom trip.

A visit to Bodmin Jail provided an excellent introduction to English murder mystery stories, with a tour of the cells to hear the many gruesome stories of prisoners who died there. Pupils have worked on the Dean Quarry Geography decision-making exercise debating the creation of a super quarry on the quiet Cornish coastline to supply Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon. The teams have prepared their speeches and will complete the debate on their return to school.

On Wednesday, pupils created gargoyles and grotesques on the beach as part of their current Art curriculum. They completed a round robin of activities in Physics, Biology and Chemistry with all of the results going back into the classroom to be carefully analysed and compared to laboratory testing.

Pupils took part in a beach clean at Poldhu to give back to the local community, learnt about the important work of disaster response charity, ShelterBox, in Truro, and enjoyed the production Princess Ida at the Minack Theatre.

All of our pupils have had the opportunity to demonstrate and experience many of the Mount Kelly values this week, showing integrity, compassion, courage and commitment to themselves, each other and in their attitudes towards all of the activities and challenges.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.


Categories: Academic
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