Pre-Prep Fire Safety Week

Posted: 11th October 2019

Pupils in the Pre-Prep have been learning about many aspects of fire safety this week. All pupils have been learning how to Stop, Drop and Roll if their clothes are on fire, looked for fire exits around the school and discussed how to call the fire brigade.

Nursery pupils have also looked at the colours and shapes of fire and tried to recreate it with paint and their hands. They discovered that fire needs oxygen to burn, using a candle and a glass to investigate.

Reception class pupils formed a White Watch in the fire station (the Pre-Prep fort), where they fought fires in the Rubber Duck factory, Mrs Hone's house, Father Christmas's shed and the classroom! They also made fire engine shape pictures.

Year 1 pupils have been learning about the Great Fire of London, whilst Year 2 have made some wonderful Fire Safety posters which are displayed around the Pre-Prep. The children and parents have been asked to produce an escape plan for their house and to check if all of the smoke alarms are in working order.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.


Categories: Academic
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