Foundation Charity Announcement

Posted: 10th January 2020

We are pleased to announce that the pupil body has voted for Surfers Against Sewage as the school's chosen charity for this year.

The Charity Committee from the Prep and College shortlisted four very worthwhile charities last term and pupils researched and presented on them in assemblies across the site. The whole pupil body had the opportunity to place their vote for the charity they wanted to support.

We are delighted that, following on from the Blow Fish presentation last year and the School’s drive to reduce its own use of disposable plastics, we can now continue to address one of the most pressing issues facing our world. 

Surfers Against Sewage are a local charity based in Cornwall which began campaigning in 1990 about sewage in our local seas.  From this grassroots movement they have grown into one of the UK’s most active and successful environmental charities, carrying out beach cleans and targeting plastic pollution at source and on the beaches.

The Prep and College Charity Committees will be meeting to discuss ways in which the whole school community can work to support the work of this excellent charity.  Initial ideas include joining in with beach cleans and various creative competitions involving SAS and climate issues.

Unlike many schools, Mount Kelly makes no charge to attend plays, productions, recitals and concerts, however, at future events there will be an opportunity for parents to show their appreciation by making a contribution to SAS.  

For more information about the charity, please visit



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