Soil Testing for the Market Garden

Posted: 31st January 2020

Members of the Market Garden team at the College have been testing the soil conditions in the Market Garden. Adrian and Naomi have written the following report:

We took a sample of top and bottom soil from the Market Garden. Then we tested for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil by adding distilled water then filtering the solution. Then we put three ml of solution into a test tube and added 0.5 ml of each indicator and a small spoon of N2, P2 or K1 powder. This was then shaken for 30 seconds and left for a further five minutes. We also tested the pH of the soil also using 3ml of filtered solution and 0.5 ml of pH powder, shaking and leaving to rest. A colour change was then observed which was compared to a colour chart for each of them.



What should we do?

In order to increase the levels of nitrogen in the soil we could grow peas, beans or clovers. Fish bone meal could be put on top of the soil to improve phosphorus levels. Manures could also be used to decrease the pH of the soil (make it more acidic) as currently the pH is very alkaline. Fertilisers could also be used to increase the levels of ions required for healthy plant growth.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.


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