Ten Tors@Home

Posted: 30th April 2020

Mount Kelly pupils were due to take on the 60th Ten Tors Challenge this weekend, walking 35, 45 or 55 miles in two days across Dartmoor. The cancellation of the event has not however stopped our team of determined and driven pupils from achieving what they have spent the last seven months training for. Instead, 26 of them will be taking part in their own version of the event: TenTors@home!

Pupils will walk 35, 45 or 55 miles in their own back gardens over the course of the weekend, including an overnight camp before finishing the event on Sunday.   The majority of pupils will be self sufficient throughout, cooking and camping in their gardens.  The event will begin at 07:00 on Saturday via a live Teams start and the distance must be completed by the usual Ten Tors deadline of 17:00 on Sunday.  Pupils will record their distances using online tracking systems and will be updating us with their progress throughout the weekend with photos and videos.
Not only does this event show how our pupils are continuing to demonstrate the Mount Kelly values of compassion, courage, commitment and determination, but they will also be raising money for the NHS Charities. 



Categories: Adventure News
Summer Camps 2024
