Pre A Level Courses Launched

Posted: 6th May 2020

Our Year 11 pupils ought to have started their GCSE/IGCSE examination season this week. Instead they have started a programme of online lessons in pre Sixth Form courses that their teachers have written and produced over the last few weeks.

The classes will be a gentle introduction to the ideas and skills that they will encounter next year and so this unexpected summer school is a welcome chance for pupils to move on to the higher level of study in the subjects they have chosen for A level or BTEC. For example, the psychologists will cover a broad outline of the whole A Level course, starting with Behavioural Psychology, whilst the Tudor historians will have a survey of the wider C16th world to give a context for their study next year. The chemists begin the move from content-led GCSE to the context-based A Level, their lessons including the topical issue of the chemistry of baking as well as energy and fuels. In English Literature the pupils will be introduced to Beowulf and Chaucer, the metaphysical poets and the Victorians.

They have not been given the opportunity to shine in the exam hall, but when these pupils start their A Level or BTEC courses in September they should be very well prepared for Sixth Form and beyond.

Categories: Academic
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