Real-Time Teaching Programme

Posted: 15th May 2020

Since schools were instructed to close in March, Mount Kelly has been delivering a comprehensive programme of ‘real-time’ teaching using Microsoft Teams. Pupils receive up to four hours of lessons in core subjects every morning, as well as virtual Assemblies, PSHE, tutor sessions and an enrichment programme of extra-curricular activities in the afternoons. Pupils in Reception through to Year 12 have been engaged in the programme, including our international pupils who live outside of the UK.

"A big thank you to all of the teachers who have delivered lessons so far. I have been very impressed by the delivery and quality of these lessons and I’m sure the enrichment lessons will ensure the children are kept busy and focused."

“I just wanted to say what a great job everyone is doing to get the children through this period. I think what you’re providing is fabulous and you still manage to make it fun for them.”

“The way in which you are still teaching remotely is amazing. Truly exceptional. The lesson structure is still there but I am able to help in a constructive way.”

Read more about our extra-curricular enrichment programme here.

Photographs of our pupils working remotely can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Academic News
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