Thought for the Week | Guiding Lights

Posted: 3rd July 2020

Over the course of this term, members of staff and of the wider Mount Kelly community have delivered a series of superb online talks.

Monday mornings saw the Thought for the Week, whilst the Thursday afternoons series of talks was entitled Guiding Lights. Thoughts for the Week have encouraged reflection on topics ranging from Social Media Kindness and Justice, to Community, Human Worth, Epiphany and Changing Minds. The Guiding Lights series has ranged across artificial intelligence, Champion-Mindedness, the meaning of the Notre Dame fire, the twentieth century history of Germany, and what Everton FC meant to one young man growing up in Liverpool in the 1980s, and also introduced us to some of the central figures in western thought, culture and science.

We are very lucky to have staff and Governors of such wide-ranging intellectual curiosity and life experience, so do find some time to enjoy their reflections.

The recordings of all events can be found at

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