Life as a Boarder

Posted: 13th November 2020

Two of our Prep boarders, Harry and Liberty, give their thoughts on life as a boarder in Tavy House.

A weekend in Tavy House

We do a variety of interesting and fun activities at the weekends. On Saturday we usually go into Tavistock to go shopping and have coffee, if you’re in year 8 you get to go on your own without teachers, giving us more responsibility and preparing us for next year at the College. The main activity happens on Sunday, where we do a variety of activities and games. In the summer, we go surfing at Polzeath beach in Cornwall, which is a definite highlight. Other trips include Drakes Island, Paddle boarding, Eden project, Bubble football and many more. We are very fortunate to have use of the school facilities during the day and then have time to relax in front of a film in the Common room in the evening.  Since lockdown the staff have put on activities on site, such as go karting, fire building and an online movie making course, which have meant that we have not missed out at all. In fact we get to do more than our friends who are day pupils!

Why be a boarder?

Being a border is a great experience, you get to learn many new skills and independence. It is a chance to spend time in a very beautiful house with some lovely friends and our boarding staff
(including the Benwell’s five-year-old twins). You get to do many fun activities with whichever teacher is on duty that evening. This term we have had a disco, ‘just danced’ on the X Box, and played some great games outside such as Dover patrol and the Wavy Game, which are always a favourite. The boarding community is succeeding in making it a homely, happy and fabulous environment for all of us and I would encourage everyone to try it out and be part of our school family when we are allowed to again.

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