EDT Industrial Cadets Bronze Project

Posted: 23rd April 2021

Twelve Year 9 pupils have worked tirelessly since January – throughout lockdown and the Easter holidays – to complete their EDT (Engineering Development Trust) Industrial Cadets Bronze Project, the Prince Charles Award.

Each team of six produced a design project for Future Proof: Designing Buildings for Climate Change. This involved a 20-page design report, a completed model, a 6-minute video presentation and weekly meetings, via Microsoft Teams, with their engineer mentors from Schneider Electric. Completing the project from their own homes, in some cases internationally, has been no mean feat!

On Tuesday 20 April, both teams took part in the virtual English Finals, during which they were assessed by a panel of UK engineers and questioned in a Dragons Den-style interview. They then attended the virtual National EDT Award Ceremony on Friday 23 April, which included talks from inspirational speakers about careers in STEM, such as cyber security. The teams did incredibly well against stiff competition from across the country, all hoping to gain one of only four trophies. Team 1 gained a mention in the Team Determination Award for their efforts in completing the project internationally during lockdown. Team 2 did incredibly well, receiving a runners up place for the Best Team Award.

Congratulations to both teams for their dedication and professionalism throughout the project. All pupils involved have now graduated as EDT Industrial Cadets.

Article by Mrs Collard, Teacher of Product Design



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