Pre-Prep LOTC Week

Posted: 28th May 2021

Pre-Prep pupils have enjoyed a whole week of Learning Outside the Classroom, making the most of our wonderful surroundings. Nursery and Reception pupils had a fantastic trip to Wembury beach, and the Pre-Prep dressed in bright colours for Elmer Day to celebrate being different and unique. Here are some of the other highlights for each class:

• Collecting pebbles to decorate and hide around the School and challenging Reception class to find them.
• A nature walk to spot birds and identify clouds and collect items to make nature frames.
• Making their own pitta pizza lunches and banana lollies.

• Making crowns decorated with natural materials, whittling and concocting potions.
• Creating birds’ nests and going pond dipping.
• The first sight of a shoot from the sunflower seeds they are growing.

Year 1
• Still life drawings, pebble tower creations, natural material pictures and shadow drawings.
• Building bug hotels, trust trails and knot tying.

Year 2
• Designing and building creations from cardboard boxes.
• Writing poetry inspired by our surroundings and the weather.
• Making a fire and cooking marshmallows.
• Taking part in a Geology afternoon about the tors on Dartmoor.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Academic
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