Mount Kelly G7 Summit

Posted: 11th June 2021

The Prep hosted its very own G7 Summit this week, ahead of the meeting of global leaders in Cornwall. Pupils in Years 3 to 7 formed teams to represent each country attending this year’s summit and spent Tuesday and Wednesday mornings engaged in research about the G7, its members and their policies. They created speeches on three topical issues, which were debated in a G7 conference on Thursday:

  • Climate Crisis: How do we get the Planet to carbon neutral by 2030, reduce emissions and reduce plastic?
  • Equality and Fair Trade: What are the issues and how can we make the world a more equal place? What is fair trade and what can countries do to promote it?
  • Building back better: What does each country plan to do post COVID to build back better?

The aim of the summit was to empower our pupils to take an active interest in global issues, form an opinion and challenge each other with respect and passion. It was truly wonderful to see the level of engagement, interest and focus from the children throughout the week.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.


Categories: Academic News
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