A Level Results 2021

Posted: 10th August 2021

Mount Kelly is very proud to announce another year of very strong A Level results with 54% of pupils gaining A* – A grades, or equivalent, in their examinations this summer.

These grades have been awarded following not one, but two sets, of formal examinations during the Summer Term and rigorous and balanced continuous assessment of class work.

At least 78% of pupils have gained places at their first choice of university with 8 pupils gaining places overseas including institutions in the USA, Lithuania and the Netherlands.

Particular congratulations go to Naomi who was awarded 4 A* grades and is heading to Edinburgh to study Veterinary Science and Lucy who achieved 3 A* grades, confirming her place at Oxford. Jackson and Charlotte also both achieved 3 A* grades, Charlotte will read English at Durham University and Jackson plans to take a year off to work at the Emergency Department at Derriford and hopes to travel to Uganda later in the year.

Cameron, Chiara, Ryan and Richard all achieved triple D* awards in the BTEC with Cameron and Chiara both gaining places at Bath University to read Sport Management and Coaching.

Head Master, Guy Ayling comments ‘’Our pupils’ successes are a reflection of their tremendous efforts over a challenging two years, and I am grateful to staff for outstanding remote learning during lockdowns and for constructing a rigorous assessment framework that gives real meaning and absolute value to these results’.

Categories: Academic News
Summer Camps 2024
