RGS Essay Competition

Posted: 2nd December 2021

The Royal Geographical Society’s annual essay competition for pupils studying A Level Geography in the UK asked entrants to explain how transport changes might help the world to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. The competition sought thoughtful and well-argued responses to the topic, which was based around the COP26 conference, and to aim to consider, among other actions, how changing our methods and practices of transporting people and goods will help towards the goals of the Paris Agreement (more details can be found here).

We were delighted to see that Year 12 geographer, Sahel, was judged to be in the top 20 of all submitted essays. In his essay he reflected on his life in Bangladesh and Thailand in order to personalise his answer alongside the experience of his brother who has suffered from asthma.

Sahel’s concluding sentence is a rallying cry to all of us to take responsibility for how we travel in order to help us meet the COP26 goals:

‘Taking the initiative to walk, riding a bike, taking public transport or purchasing an electric car to work or school are all viable ways we can collectively take part in helping everyone live healthier and happier lives and ultimately achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.’

Well done Sahel!

Categories: Academic
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