Offer from Oxford

Posted: 14th January 2022

Many of our Year 13 pupils are receiving offers from universities around the country including Durham, Exeter and Nottingham and we are delighted to congratulate Adam on his offer from Pembroke College, Oxford to study Arabic and Islamic studies. Adam chose the course primarily due to his interest in the Islamic faith – particularly Islamic hermeneutics, Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), and the Sharī‘ah.

Deputy Head (Academic), Mr Dixon, explains ‘Adam’s academic interests are wide-ranging and he is able to lead the Politics Society discussions on a very broad range of subjects. His knowledge of the US political scene is encyclopaedic! As one of this year’s pupil Academic Team in Sixth Form he has already arranged two lectures by eminent speakers and will lead a team in the inter-school quiz competition next week. Of course, as with all our Year 13s, he still has a great deal of school study ahead of him in the next six months.’

Categories: Academic
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