Exmoor Challenge 2022

Posted: 6th May 2022

Congratulations to the three Mount Kelly teams of Year 8 pupils who completed the 16-mile Exmoor Challenge on Saturday 30 April. They all did exceptionally well, coming in 6th, 9th and 10th in their categories out of 136 teams!

Mount Kelly has entered teams into the Exmoor Challenge for a number of years now. The twelve pupils spent three weekends in March training in navigation, team work and walking progressively greater distances in preparation for the event. The Challenge not only tests an individual’s ability to walk the distance but also their navigation skills and the ability to observe features on the ground and map in the form of a quiz which is completed during the walk. The event has been cancelled for the last two years due to Covid, so it was wonderful to see everyone meeting up at Dulverton once again.

All teams follow the same route setting off at timed intervals. At each checkpoint, teams must clock in to record their time. The aim is not to be the first to finish but to complete each leg within a time window; too fast or too slow leads to deducted points. This, along with the quiz result, gives an overall score from which a ranking is created. Mount Kelly’s teams navigated the route without fault and displayed some excellent team work to bring everyone across the finish line despite some sore feet and fatigue.

The full results can be viewed on the Exmoor Rotary Club website.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.


Categories: Expeditions
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