Faraday STEM Competition

Posted: 16th May 2022

On Thursday 12 May, 36 Year 8 pupils took part in the Institute of Engineering and Technology’s Faraday Challenge, to design and build a prototype using electrical and mechanical components to improve a child and parent’s stay in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

Pupils in each team took on roles from project and accounts managers to designers and manufacturers, working to a tight budget using Faraday currency. They were assessed on their ability to plan, develop ideas, work to budget and make a working prototype. At the end of the day each team produced a five-minute presentation and demonstrated their working prototypes to Dr Keira Sewell, the IET judge.

All pupils will receive a certificate from the Institute of Engineering and Technology, a British Science Association Discovery Crest Award and an Industrial Cadet Award. Congratulations to all involved, and in particular to the winning team for their automated and robotic nursing assistant.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Academic