Music of Hope and Remembrance

Posted: 14th November 2022


Mount Kelly once again hosted a hugely successful community Remembrance concert, in aid of the Royal British Legion, on Saturday evening in St Eustachius’ church in Tavistock.

A packed programme included pieces from the Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir, Stannary Brass, the Prep Senior Choir, the College Band and individual performers from amongst our pupils and music staff.

Tessa Hansford compered the evening with great finesse, and the concert was hugely enjoyed by a large audience, who showed their appreciation both for the performers and for the work of the Royal British Legion by contributing generously, whilst further funds were raised by the Tavistock Lions, who ran the bar.

This was the third Remembrance Concert that the school has organised, and the event goes from strength to strength.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Music
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