Pre-Prep LOTC Week

Posted: 26th May 2023

Kingfishers and Herons have enjoyed a sunny week of Learning Outside the Classroom. Reception pupils have made natural crowns and wands, whittled willow sticks and made damper bread, had fun making potions and stacking stones on the river beach. They have found out about moths and beetles and observed the ones that were caught in the trap.

Year 2 pupils have enjoyed three exciting trips out this week. They have visited Paignton Zoo to inspire eye-catching leaflets for their own animal conservation zoos. In IPC they searched for dragon clues with Mr Thavenot and created maps of Dragon Island using natural materials. A wonderful river walk with Mr Prettejohn and A Level Geography pupil, Ellie, on Friday afternoon inspired lots of thinking about habitats and the journey of a river from source to sea.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Academic
