In the Spotlight | Laura Tabb

Posted: 15th September 2023

Laura Tabb, Head Girl And Head Boy

Just weeks into her new position College Head Girl, Sophie Luxton and College Head Boy, Dylan Reeve, took the opportunity to meet Senior Deputy Head, Laura Tabb, and quiz her about her new role.

What have you noticed about Mount Kelly that is different from your previous places of work?

“In many ways my previous school, Wellington School in Somerset, was very similar – independent day and boarding in the South West. But one big difference I have noticed is the amazing swimming, football and other sports programmes; I am really looking forward to supporting pupils from the sidelines, or poolside. The Devizes to Westminster canoe challenge also looks awesome. As a former rower I love being on the water and am looking forward to learning more about that, and everything else here.

“Another thing I’ve noticed is that everyone is very busy and there are broad opportunities for everyone to have a go at something, both inside and outside the classroom. Oh, and the hills and number of steps I’m clocking up around the school site. This is definitely a campus that helps everyone with their fitness.”

Is there anything you’d like to change?

“Having only been in post a few weeks, it is a bit early for me to comment on changes I might make. But listening to the opinions of the pupils is front and centre for me and I am hoping we can work together to come up with innovations and ideas that will help everyone on their Mount Kelly journey.”

What can you bring to this position that makes you different?

“I am the first female Deputy Head at Mount Kelly which is something I am enormously proud of and the significance of this is something I have reflected on since being appointed in March.

“I hope it is an inspiration to all the pupils here, whether they are boys or girls, and that it sets a positive example about the importance of representation and diversity in the work place. Crucially, I think men and women have a different approach to problem solving and so working with a diverse team is really important to me.

“I have also recently completed an MBA where my research project focused on sustainability in independent schools. Environmental sustainability is very important to me, so once term has got underway, I hope to be able to use my experience to help the School meet its sustainability goals as soon as possible.”

What leadership qualities do you have that you make you effective for this job?

“I like to think that I am fair, calm, decisive and pretty adaptable! A Deputy Head is thrown all sorts of challenges, from one minute to the next, and that’s something I love about this job. No two days are ever the same!”

What attracted you to this job?

“I used to visit the School when my children played hockey and rugby fixtures here, and I have always admired the buildings and location. Then, when I saw that a role was advertised, I did a lot of research into the ethos of Mount Kelly and spoke to people that knew the School well. It made me realise that my personal values aligned with Mount Kelly’s, and then I knew that it was a school I wanted to work at.”

If you could write a slogan for Mount Kelly, what would it be?

“#itstheclimb is a phrase that sums the School up really well, especially after the Cox Tor walk last weekend! Being at school is a journey and I know that at times it can feel like a bit of an uphill struggle for some people; but perseverance and resilience can see us through.”

Tell us something that everyone at Mount Kelly should know about you!

“I am a firm believer that a good cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit (dark chocolate digestives, preferably) can help solve most problems!”

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