Tavy Fridge Project

Posted: 29th September 2023

Carrot collection

Young market garden enthusiasts from Mount Kelly have donated their prize crop of fresh organic carrots and beetroot to the Tavy Fridge at Tavistock Library.

Mount Kelly’s market garden has been blooming for over four years, thanks to the efforts of pupils working towards the volunteering section of their Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Over the years they have raised money for charity by growing and selling strawberries, and growing daffodils to sell as cut flowers. They have donated apples, pears and plums and this year they had a bumper crop of organic carrots and beetroot.

Harry, Year 10 at Mount Kelly said, “We are really proud of our carrots this year and thought they would be perfect to give to the local community. We hope whoever finds them enjoys eating them, as much as we’ve enjoyed growing them. They taste really nice.”

Matilda, Year 11 at Mount Kelly said, “I planted the original seeds and small plants back in the spring, watered them and weeded the patch. I am really happy they have grown so well.”

Tavy Fridge is a Libraries Unlimited project funded by Live West Housing Association and run entirely by a team of volunteers. They accept surplus food from shops and individuals and share it with the local community. And it’s all completely free.

The fridge is located in the foyer of Tavistock Library on Plymouth Road, and the project has been successfully running for two and half years. Tavy Fridge volunteer Kerry Walker said, “The main aim of our project is to cut down food waste by providing an easy to access community space where surplus food can be left, stored and collected.

“The food is donated by shops and individuals and everyone in the community is welcome to come along and pick something up, which is always an adventure because we never know what we are going to have from one day to the next. It’s been really successful and people can look on our Facebook page for updates on our latest food stocks. And please, keep donating any spare food or produce you might have. It is all gratefully received and much appreciated.”

Categories: News Volunteering
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