Great Christmas Hamper Competition

Posted: 8th December 2023

Christmas hampers

This year sees the launch of Mount Kelly’s Great Christmas Hamper Competition.

Each tutor group was invited to decorate and fill a hamper to be donated to the Tavistock Food Bank. The contents were, of course, more important than looks, however there are prizes for the best hampers:

  • First place: Mrs Holwill’s Tutor Group (College) and Form 4RPM (Prep)
  • Second place: Mrs Love’s and Mrs Broughton’s Tutor Groups (College) and Form 2CLP (Prep)
  • Third place: Mr Sandford’s Tutor Group (College) and Form 6SLB (Prep)

Tavistock Food Bank was overwhelmed by the generosity of the pupils, and said ‘Thank you and all the staff, students and families who contributed. What an amazing contribution and it will be put to good use for people in our community who are finding things difficult at the moment.’

We donated so many groceries to the charity that we filled their room and overflowed into the corridor. We hope that this will be the start of a new annual tradition at Mount Kelly.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

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