The Mossy Carpet Project

Posted: 12th January 2024

students looking at moss

One of our main targets this term is to galvanise pupils and staff to live more sustainably. After an assembly at the Prep given by Mr Floyd on what sustainability means, we were delighted to welcome Jenny Ayrton, one of the co-founders of the Art and Energy Collective based in Plymouth.

Jenny gave an inspiring talk to Prep pupils about the adaptability and importance of moss and highlighted its relevance to the climate crisis. She introduced them to the Mossy Carpet Project – a massive moss-inspired artwork made up of thousands of pom-poms which celebrates the actions we are taking for our planet.

Jenny delivered workshops for Year 5 and Year 6, with pupils making their own pom-poms to add to the carpet. A truly inspiring day.

More photographs can be found on Facebook.

Categories: Academic
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