Poetry Recital Competition Final

Posted: 23rd March 2017

Parents and guests were treated to a delightful evening on Wednesday 22nd March, when the annual Poetry Recital took place at the Prep.

Adjudicated by Mrs Pippa Quarrell, Senior Tutor at Bryanston School and Chair of the English Speaking Board, all 23 pupils participating gave a heartfelt and confident performance of their poems.  Every pupil from Year 3 upwards had learned their choice of poem, and these finalists completely justified their place in the finals.  From the popular poems for the young by Shel Silverstein and Michael Rosen, up to mature and complex poems by poets including Shakespeare, Robert Frost, and Wendy Cope, all the choices told us something about the child who performed them. 

Mrs Quarrell’s judging praised the diction, sincerity, and wonderful sense of humour conveyed by the recitations, and she acknowledged how difficult it was to choose winners!  In the end, however, the winners were:

Seniors: Archie Burton (If by Rudyard Kipling)

Middle: Georgia Burton (Warning by Jenny Joseph)

Junior : Lydia Stone (The Michael Rosen Rap by Michael Rosen)

Prize for the most entertaining performance: Joshua Bache (Colonel Fazackerley by Charles Causley)

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