
13+ Entry

Year 9 Admissions

Applications for Year 9 are accepted during the Michaelmas Term in the year preceding entrance. Scholarship assessments take place on the published assessment dates; usually early February in the application year. However, scholarships may be available at other times during the year.

In year applications are possible in Years 9 and 10.

The Admissions Office is available to discuss all aspects of the admission process. Whenever possible we will arrange a meeting with the Deputy Head (Academic) who will discuss subjects available at the College and introduce you to the way in which GCSE options are chosen.

Once a pupil is admitted to the School they will usually automatically progress to the Sixth Form and the A Level programme, as appropriate.

At Mount Kelly we use assessments and previous school reports in order to place new pupils in the correct sets for each subject.

Applicants applying for a scholarship for Year 9 entry will take the Mount Kelly scholarship papers, details of which can be obtained from Admissions.


Mount Kelly Senior Student

Apply for Year 7
