
Prep Entry including 11+

Year 3 to Year 8 Admissions

Children joining Mount Kelly in Year 3 and above will be joining the Prep. Whilst there are no written assessments for entry to the Prep below Year 7, as with the Pre-Prep, we do offer children a taster day in their relevant year group.

We find that, not only does this give our academic staff the opportunity to assess your child in the classroom it also, more importantly, gives your child the reassurance that becoming a Mount Kelly pupil will be busy and exciting.

Children leaving their Prep or Primary School at the end of Year 6 will join Mount Kelly at the Prep for Year 7 and 8 before moving to the College for Year 9. Children will be assessed for entry at this stage and arrangements for these assessments will be made for your child early in the application process. The results of these assessments will be used, in conjunction with previous school reports, to plan the ongoing education of your child.

Children applying for entry to the Prep are very welcome to visit at any time and, in addition to a tour of the Prep, are very welcome to have a tour of the College and meet the Head Master, Guy Ayling and other members of the academic staff. For those unable to make the day we can re-arrange your visit and your child can take the assessments at a mutually convenient time.


Mount Kelly Staff And Prep Pupil

Good Schools Guide Logo

“… sets out to make childhood last as long as possible but does a great job of developing pupils’ independence along the way.”

The Good Schools Guide
Apply for Year 7
