Category: Adventure

Year 9 LOTC 2023

4th May 2023

Year 9 pupils spend an action-packed long weekend in the Mendips, Bath and Bristol

Upper Prep Intensives

27th April 2023

Pupils in Years 7 and 8 take part in a series of activities to develop their ability to work as members of a team

Easter Cruises on Olga

23rd April 2023

Two crews of pupils in Years 7 to 9 embark on a short voyage over the Easter holidays

DW Waterside C

17th March 2023

Our all-female Devizes to Westminster paddlers complete 26 miles on the Kennet and Avon Canal

CCF National Regatta

14th October 2022

Mount Kelly competes in annual CCF RN National Regatta against teams from schools across the UK

Introduction to Sailing

14th October 2022

Pupils in Years 7 and 9 experience day sails on Olga

LOTC Programme at the Prep

20th September 2022

The new school year begins with the Prep’s Learning Outside The Classroom programme for pupils in Years 5 to 7

Year 8 LOTC

23rd June 2022

Pupils spend a week learning outside of the classroom on the Lizard Peninsula

Farewell to the Water ​

14th June 2022

Five of our intrepid Devizes to Westminster Canoe Race squad took to the water racing nine miles on the river Avon

Year 5 Shackleton Trip

25th May 2022

Year 5 pupils enjoy a night at Nun’s Cross

Summer Camps 2024