Category: Blog School News

Head Master’s Assembly and Prep Prize Giving

15th December 2017

Mount Kelly introduces Academic Endeavour awards

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe

13th December 2017

College production keeps audiences enthralled

Pre-Prep Nativity

8th December 2017

Our youngest pupils give an outstanding performance

Volunteering Programme

7th December 2017

Pupils help out in the local community 

Annual OMK Hockey Match

5th December 2017

Old Mount Kelleian ladies take on Mount Kelly’s 1st XI

Oxbridge Interviews

4th December 2017

Mount Kelly pupils selected for interview

Roman History Day

1st December 2017

Year 5 pupils enjoy an interactive History Day with Roman Exeter

Business Tycoon Challenge

1st December 2017

GCSE Business pupils participate in Tycoon in Schools Challenge

City of Plymouth Festival

30th November 2017

Another successful year for our LAMDA pupils 

Summer Camps 2024